The expats jam
The expats jam
The expats jam

The expats jam

Péniche Marcounet
mer. 26 févr. 2025 de 18:00 à 22:00


Hi guys,

Let’s jam on this beautiful péniche (barge) famous for its great music and artistic events.

Bring your instrument, your voice or your smile to play and sing with us.

Everyone will be welcome to play in a cool atmosphere!

Pop, rock, jazz, oriental or any other kind of music is welcome.

The péniche sells drinks and great food.

My fellow French are of corse welcome to join; it’s a cool opportunity to meet the expats community and practice English

Presented by Peniche Marcounet.

All ages


12 personnes ont répondu

Toutes les offres

Ces prix incluent les frais de services appliqués par les distributeurs.



Horaires disponibles

18:00- 22:00


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