Edwin Raphael en Ourense
Edwin Raphael en Ourense
Edwin Raphael en Ourense

Edwin Raphael en Ourense

Café Torgal
ven. 22 nov. de 18:00 à 20:00
15.5 €


“How do you achor yourself when occupying multiple geographic identities at once? For Edwin Raphael, the Dubai-raised, Montreal-based songwriter, it requires an intentional and intensive form of world-building. By developing an unmistakable style of folk that merges Eastern scales with the Western pop canon, Raphael reimagines his music as a exploratory tool that allows him to construct an interior and sacred home to retreat into”

Organizado por Todomedre.

Para mayores de 18 años (necesario traer DNI).


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Toutes les offres

Ces prix incluent les frais de services appliqués par les distributeurs.

15.5 €

15.5 €

Horaires disponibles

18:00- 20:00

15.5 €


Edwin Raphael

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