Michael Aldag
Michael Aldag
Michael Aldag

Michael Aldag

jeu. 10 oct. de 17:00 à 20:45
17 €


Meet Michael Aldag: a singer, songwriter, producer, accidental TikTok star and every inch a popstar. This 19-year-old from West Kirby, near Liverpool, has a prodigious knack for observational tunesmithery and vividly captures life’s joys, sorrows, and confusing in-between bits. Since uploading debut single ‘Entitled’ in 2019 he’s released a barrage of songs combining razor-sharp lyrics that recall Lily Allen, Lorde and The Streets, with fresh beats that see 80s synthpop through the prism of 21st Century existential angst.

Presented by FKP Scorpio.

This is a 16+ event


9 personnes ont répondu

Toutes les offres

Ces prix incluent les frais de services appliqués par les distributeurs.

17 €

17 €

Horaires disponibles

17:00- 20:45

17 €


Michael Aldag

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