7 Seconds Of Love
7 Seconds Of Love
7 Seconds Of Love

7 Seconds Of Love

New Cross Inn
Fri, Nov 14 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
13.2 €


The returns of the return of..

7 Seconds Of Love

It's no surprise that Britain's ska-tinged comedy rock act 7 Seconds of Love is the creation of Joel Veitch, the Internet animator behind cult website www.rathergood.com and Quizno's ads featuring the infamous Spongmonkeys. After recruiting his brother Alex Veitch to play keyboards, Joel met the five other musicians who would round out the act -- Pat Schulenburg (guitar), Ed Snow (drums), Ed Harding (trumpet), Ian Paterson (saxophone), and Stephen Pattison (bass). The band started playing shows in London, later expanding to regional and national gigs, as well as maintaining an enthusiastic digital following thanks to Joel's animated music videos and the release of singles. In January 2007, fans in Argentina alerted 7 Seconds of Love that a Coca-Cola commercial being shown in the country bore a striking similarity to the group's song and video for "Ninja." A legal agreement was reached with the company in which Coca-Cola paid the band an undisclosed sum; 7 Seconds of Love used some of the money to record and distribute an EP, and then donated the rest to two children's charities.

Following their packed out reunion show at the New Cross Inn in October 2024 (their first London show in almost a decade), 7SOL are back and better than ever!


\+ supports

Presented by Safe As Milk, Be Sharp Promotions and New Cross Live.

This is an 14+ event


13 people answered

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These prices include service fees applied by distributors.

13.2 €

13.2 €

Available schedules

06:00 PM- 11:00 PM

13.2 €


Project MultivitaminBaldheadFilthy Militia7 Seconds of Love


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