The Science of Intergenerational Trauma
The Science of Intergenerational Trauma
The Science of Intergenerational Trauma

The Science of Intergenerational Trauma

The Florrie
Wed, Oct 23, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM


Experiences shape you, even ones that aren’t your own: they can also be inherited from your family. It is possible that your experiences of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many other psychological conditions can be traced back to traumas embedded in your family tree. Explore the transmission of trauma through generations, from brain development to attachment formation during childhood. We will also consider how these mechanisms intersect with adverse childhood and community experiences, alongside the impact of large-scale historical, racial and cultural traumas.

Obtain valuable insights into your family history, and begin to understand the profound ways that your family’s past is moulding your current psychological landscape. Take the first steps in healing intergenerational trauma through compassionate self-understanding, and gain practical tips in navigating the complexities of your past.

Doors open at 7pm, talk starts at 7.30pm

Jane Mulcahy PhD is researcher and activist, with extensive research experience on prison, Probation, law, human rights and trauma. Jane has also spoken before the UN Committee against Torture on human rights issues in prison, the Justice Sub-Committee on Penal Reform on proposed bail reform, at the Fair Trials’ Expert Seminar on Pre-trial Detention in London and the Bail and Jail event at Harvard Law.

Presented by Seed Talks

This is an 18+ event


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