Moving Pictures - Rush Tribute
Moving Pictures - Rush Tribute
Moving Pictures - Rush Tribute

Moving Pictures - Rush Tribute

The Crescent
jeu. 21 nov. de 19:30 à 23:00
19.8 €


The power trio Moving Pictures is a Rush tribute at the top of their game. They played more than 50 gigs in 2023, including Lakeside Park in Canada for Neil Peart's family.

In 2024 they're touring British and Irish Academy Venues, Rush fan conventions in Brazil, Scotland and the Netherlands plus a European tour.

These guys and lady - female drummer Jamie Dunleavey is a favorite of Neil Peart's sisters - are in top form right now. You should grab the chance to see this!

'They had only been on stage for a few minutes and my face was already hurting from a constant grin.'

'These strangers who weren't really Rush made me feel like I was finally attending a real Rush concert.'

'The precision with which they all play while still maintaining a light-hearted approach to their performance is, well, it's exactly what you'd expect from Rush himself.'

They have recordings on all 4 Songs from the Neil tribute albums, including performances with Terry Brown, Hugh Syme and Jacob Moon.

Upon hearing their original arrangement of AFTERIMAGE, Alex Lifeson wrote: "Very moving and beautifully done. Many thanks to the band for their kind tribute."

They regularly play shows with full albums that also include songs from every Rush era - using signature guitars, basses and the mighty doublnecks!

A 3 hour show without support

Their first time at The Crescent will feature the full EXIT STAGE LEFT album.


Presented by The Crescent.

This is an 16+ event


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19.8 €

19.8 €

Horaires disponibles

19:30- 23:00

19.8 €

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