World Coda and Æl-Fierlen live in Camden
World Coda and Æl-Fierlen live in Camden
World Coda and Æl-Fierlen live in Camden

World Coda and Æl-Fierlen live in Camden

The Black Heart
Sun, Jan 19 from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM


**Gotobeat and Maglibertine** is excited to present **World Coda** live at **The Black Heart** in Camden Town on **Sunday, January 19th.**

**WORLD CODA -** ABJECT-GAZE. Wounded desires.

**ÆL-FIERLEN -** Æl-Fierlen are a three-piece band from the south of England with elements of black metal, shoegaze and folk twisted together like the branches of the oldest tree in the forest. We are what the woods sounds like. Though the name of our band is taken from old Anglo Saxon words and means, “all is far away,” the debut of our first EP is imminent.

**CARRIE ABYSS -** The urgent, politically charged new project of London-based artist Bernadette Lara is cathartic rage manifested.

Alt-pop and modern metal fuse to craft something as hyper and fun as it is caustic and eviscerating. An honest, emotionally maximalist musical exploration of her early-20s identity crisis that brings to mind the soundtrack to an epic final boss battle in a feminist-revenge video game.

Presented by Gotobeat Ltd.

This is an 18+ event


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Available schedules

07:30 PM- 10:30 PM



World Coda


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