London Doom Collective proudly presents...
Masters of the Riff Volume IV , running from Friday 28th Feb to Sunday 2nd March.
Taking place at Oslo, Hackney, Masters of the Riff Vol. IV is a celebration of some of the finest riff merchants from the Doom, Stoner, and Sludge scene from around the globe.
Full Line Up:
Witch Mountain, Lord Vicar, Skraeckoedlan, Firebreather, Daevar, Alastor, Ritual King, Earth Tongue, Madmess, Elder Druid, Wasted Death, Black Helium, Red Eyed Cult, Grey Brain, Erronaut Black Groove, The Ghoules, Damn Craters, Kushthulhu and Electric Funeral.
Presented by London Doom Collective.
This is an 18+ event.
02/28, 12:00 PM- 03/02, 10:00 PM