Spring Attitude Festival 2025 | FullPass
Spring Attitude Festival 2025 | FullPass
Spring Attitude Festival 2025 | FullPass

Spring Attitude Festival 2025 | FullPass

La Nuvola
Fri, Sep 12, 2025 - Sun, Sep 14, 2025
69 €


La 14° edizione di Spring Attitude Festival si terrà venerdì 12 e sabato 13 settembre 2025.

Il biglietto REGULAR FULL PASS consente l'accesso ai 2 giorni del Festival

L'ingresso al Festival è gratuito per i bambini fino a 12 anni.


The 14th edition of Spring Attitude Festival will be held on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September 2025.

The REGULAR FULL PASS ticket allows access to the 2 days of the Festival

Admission to the Festival is free for children up to the age of 12.

Presentato da Associazione Culturale Traccerare.

Questo è un evento 18+


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These prices include service fees applied by distributors.

69 €

69 €

Available schedules

09/12, 03:30 PM- 09/14, 02:00 AM

69 €


La Nuvola
La Nuvola Viale Asia, 40/44, 00144 Roma RM, Italia


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