Twin brothers, Josef and Jan Prasil, known collectively as Amistat, have embarked on a remarkable musical journey that transcends borders and is rooted in an unspoken and unexplainable bond. Their captivating story is best experienced through the power of their harmonious melodies, which have been influenced by a rich tapestry of cultures. Born in Germany with roots in the Czech Republic and Australia, thanks to their parents, Josef and Jan's upbringing was a cultural whirlwind.
In 2024, Amistat achieved a remarkable milestone by selling over 15,000 tickets for their European tour. Their performances have left packed crowds in awe across multiple continents, including maiden performances in Canada and the United States, solidifying their status as an internationally acclaimed musical duo.
As they continue to evolve and explore new horizons, Amistat is excited to announce their upcoming European and UK tour in 2025. This tour will not only showcase their captivating live performances but also serve as a platform to promote the release of their highly anticipated EP, scheduled for launch in March 2025.
Join them on their musical journey as they continue to inspire and connect with audiences around the world.
Presented by Regular Music.
This is an 14+ event
06:00 PM- 10:00 PM