Last Sixth
Last Sixth
Last Sixth

Last Sixth

The Courtyard Theatre
Sun, Aug 17 from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM


It’s locked down, whilst Boris Johnson and his party were having parties convincing us all to stay indoors...

Tracy’s 2.1 family heading for minus 0.1 situation. 1 out of 7 will be addicted, I guess I’m winning. “AND THE PRIZE GOES TO”...

Provoking emotions, that’s heart warming, stringing laughter and tears, of dark comedy.

Research states it takes up to six times to give anything addictive up? What's your addiction?...

‘Last Sixth’ to kick addiction, habit, journeys on Tracy’s addiction/ cold-turkey within the trauma of lockdown. what seeps into, present day, that’s not healed/ worked on.

It’s locked down, Boris Johnson party having parties convincing us all to stay indoors...

Tracy’s 2.1 family heading for minus 0.1 situation. 1 out of 7 will be addicted, I guess I’m winning. “AND THE PRIZE GOES TO”...

Presented by Olayinka Sobitan-Solomon

This is an 18+ event


6 people answered


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