Cold Gawd + Soft Blue Shimmer
Cold Gawd + Soft Blue Shimmer
Cold Gawd + Soft Blue Shimmer

Cold Gawd + Soft Blue Shimmer

The Victoria Dalston
Mon, Feb 3 from 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
16.95 €


Cold Gawd

Cold Gawd is a post-hardcore/shoegaze outfit from Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Inspired by early aughts nu-gaze and R&B melodies, Cold Gawd presents a refined, moderniSed take on the genre.

Soft Blue Shimmer

Three people concerned with turning their feelings, dreams, and memories into noise— Soft Blue Shimmer, made of Meredith Ramond, Kenzo Cardenas, and Charlie Crowley, write ethereal and frenetic music about complex emotions and feelings. Hopefully you are left reflective, but also filled with hope and determination.

Presented by Pink Dot

This is an 18+ event


3 people answered

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16.95 €

16.95 €

Available schedules

07:30 PM- 11:00 PM

16.95 €


Soft Blue ShimmerCold Gawd


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