Resonant Kinetics
Resonant Kinetics
Resonant Kinetics

Resonant Kinetics

Strange Brew
Thu, Feb 27 from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM


Strange Brew and Copper Sounds present a very special night exploring the world of self-built instruments.

**C.N.T. \[Pierre Bastien & Louis Laurain\]**

Legendary French mechanical sound sculptor meets virtuoso avant-Jazz hornet player for a special shadow theatre & projection show

**Passepartout Duo**

Stunning melodic electronica with handmade instruments, small percussion, and the electromagnetic fields of a synthesizer called Chromaplane

**Kathy Hinde**

Bristol AV artist drawing on behaviours and phenomena found in nature and the everyday; expressed through sound, sculpture, image and light


Bristol synth builder and projectionist presents her latest creation the pattern organ, a brand new camera input synth

**Copper Sounds**

Sonic sculptors who explore the physical and visual nature of sound

Presented by Strange Brew.

14+ event, any under 18's to be accompanied by a 21+ adult (1:1 ratio)


13 people answered


guestPierre BastienCopper SoundsPassepartout Duo


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