Alabaster dePlume
Alabaster dePlume
Alabaster dePlume

Alabaster dePlume

Exeter Phoenix
Wed, May 7 from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
18.92 €


Gus Fairbairn, aka Alabaster DePlume, has a pocketful of phrases that he uses all the time whether he’s walking down the street or holding court with musicians and an audience. For a long time the Mancunian would tell anyone who’d listen that they were doing very well. More recently, it’s another phrase which has a similar effect and which belies his unwavering commitment to personal vulnerability and collective politics: “Don’t forget you’re precious.”

A process that is people-first not product-first ensures that the music is unique; often gem-like. Alabaster DePlume’s songs are built on sonorous circular melodies and luminous tones that transmit calmness and generosity in warm waves – unless they’re raging against complacency and the everyday inhumanity of end times capitalism. Most importantly, he brings a valuable transparency to his work. “This is what I’m really doing,” he says. “I want to talk about why I’m doing this, and how I’m doing this.

"\[DePlume\] delivers a serene reminder of what matters most" - Pitchfork

"DePlume is a fixture on the London avant-jazz scene whose greatest value is openness" - NPR

Presented by BYP LIVE.

This is an 18+ event.


14 people answered

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18.92 €

18.92 €

Available schedules

06:30 PM- 10:00 PM

18.92 €


Alabaster dePlume


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