Dawson's Best of '24: Furiosa: Mad Max Saga
Dawson's Best of '24: Furiosa: Mad Max Saga
Dawson's Best of '24: Furiosa: Mad Max Saga

Dawson's Best of '24: Furiosa: Mad Max Saga

Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen
Sun, Jan 19 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Festive fatigue? January blues? Avoid Sunday scaries with Dawson's best of 2024, every Sunday at Belgrave Music Hall in January. Our highlights of the big screen in the last year, for free, every single week.

Mid-Jan brings highly anticipated action films to the mix to the screen at Belgrave. Monkey Man has been described as a visceral love letter to global action cinema that’s an exhilarating, if messy, ride. While Furiousa follows the Mad Max saga - another thrilling story within this dystopian world by George Miller. Both have themes of revenge, both action packed to the core. If you can sit through both films, we tip our hats to you.

Tickets do not guarantee entry, first come first served seating.

Presented by Super Friendz.

This is an 18+ event


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Available schedules

04:00 PM- 08:00 PM



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