Baiwho Sessions - Célio (Jzaugust)
Baiwho Sessions - Célio (Jzaugust)
Baiwho Sessions - Célio (Jzaugust)

Baiwho Sessions - Célio (Jzaugust)

Baiwho Lisboa
Thu, Jan 16 from 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM
13.2 €


As Baiwho Sessions regressam em 2025 e temos a 1ª do ano já no dia 16 de janeiro com o incomparável Célio (Jzaugust) o guitarrista e frontman do projecto Jzaugust, vamos ter oportunidade de ouvir as suas composições originais numa sessão que promete muito ritmo e sons originais.

The Baiwho Sessions return in 2025, and we’re kicking off the year on January 16th with the incomparable Célio (Jzaugust), the guitarist and frontman of the Jzaugust project. We’ll have the opportunity to hear his original compositions in a session that promises plenty of rhythm and unique sounds.


12 people answered

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These prices include service fees applied by distributors.

13.2 €

13.2 €

Available schedules

09:00 PM- 10:30 PM

13.2 €


Baiwho Lisboa
Baiwho Lisboa R. Domingos Sequeira nr 5A, 1350-184 Lisboa, Portugal


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