C Turtle are one of those bands whose sound people can’t seem to pin down. Mercurial and moody, theirs is a protean kind of oozing fuzzy-jumper rock that’s as much about slickly spun lyrical poetry and unfiltered emotion as it is fractal riffs and howling feedback whines yapping at their heels.
The London band's latest album, Expensive Thrills, unfurls a handsome union of existential reflection and observation that humanity is seemingly going backwards. From head to toe the record bursts with influences spanning the epochs of grunge, alternative rock and indie – from Pixies, Pavement and some of the bands that came through the iconic New Zealand label Flying Nun Records in the 80s/90s like 3Ds and The Clean – yet with an effortless modern zeal that has C Turtle standing head and shoulders with other contemporary trailblazers in bar italia and Lime Garden.
Presented by Sneaks Events.
This is an 14+ Event
07:00 PM- 10:00 PM