(Conférence) How to build international business and artistic connections in neighbouring markets?
(Conférence) How to build international business and artistic connections in neighbouring markets?
(Conférence) How to build international business and artistic connections in neighbouring markets?

(Conférence) How to build international business and artistic connections in neighbouring markets?

La Canopée
jeu. 13 mars de 13:30 à 15:30


With DSPs, TikTok and more platforms making it easier than ever before for artists to gain new audiences internationally, how can artists better strategise and make the most of these opportunities? During this panel, we'll be talking to experts in international, considering questions such as: what place do showcase events have in an international strategy? Coming from a range of perspectives, panelists will explore and explain how international opportunities can help accelerate your career.

Modération : Ben Ling

Présenté par La Place.

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