Baba Ali DJs
Baba Ali DJs
Baba Ali DJs

Baba Ali DJs

Wed, Apr 23 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM


Baba Ali DJs takeover the decks at Omeara Bar for their residency!

The London duo Baba Ali recently coined the term “Elektropunkdisco’ to describe their unique sound that blends elements of punk, funk, house and no wave and is geared equally for the stage and the dancefloor. As a DJ, lead singer Baba Doherty extends this eclectic blend of influences into vibrant and infectious mixes that span a wide range of genres and decades of music.

Baba has extensive DJ experience from a storied past with New York underground dance label Wolf + Lamb. In those formative years, Baba DJ’d at renowned venues such as Watergate, Wilde Renate and Kater Holzig in Berlin, and Le Bain, Black Flamingo and (Sub)Mercer in New York. Most recently, Baba Ali DJ appearances have included Green Man Festival, Glastonbury, The Tent (At The End of The Universe) and The Social in London.

Presented by OMEARA.

This is an 18+ event


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Available schedules

06:00 PM- 11:00 PM


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Baba Ali


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