2nd Paris International Symposium on Pediatric Emergency Medicine
2nd Paris International Symposium on Pediatric Emergency Medicine
2nd Paris International Symposium on Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Proposé par

2nd Paris International Symposium on Pediatric Emergency Medicine

26 Av. du Dr Arnold Netter
mar. 1 avr. 2025 - mer. 2 avr. 2025
Dès 40 €


Welcome to the 2nd Paris International Symposium on Pediatric Emergency Medicine!

The number of seats by staff category are limited.

If the seats for your category are fully booked, you can join the waiting list by sending an email to pemparissymposium@gmail.com. Please include your full name, professional category and place of work in the email. We will contact you if seats become available.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you to the symposium!

Cet événement est proposé par l'organisation : ASSOCIATION URGENCES PEDIATRIQUES TROUSSEAU

Tags : Solidarité et Action Sociale


12 personnes ont répondu

Toutes les offres

Ces prix incluent les frais de services appliqués par les distributeurs.

Dès 40 €

Dès 40 €

Horaires disponibles

01/04 06:30- 02/04 16:00

Dès 40 €


26 Av. du Dr Arnold Netter
26 Av. du Dr Arnold Netter 26 Av. du Dr Arnold Netter, 75012 Paris, France

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