Hamlet, Role of a Lifetime - March 2025
Hamlet, Role of a Lifetime - March 2025
Hamlet, Role of a Lifetime - March 2025
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Hamlet, Role of a Lifetime - March 2025

The American Cathedral in Paris
sam. 22 mars de 09:00 à 13:00
Dès 75 €


“To be, or not to be (Hamlet), that is the question…”

Explore one of the most famous roles, from one of history’s most famous playwrights. What actor hasn’t dreamed of being cast in this part? Come along and discover your own interpretation of the Dane and his complex psychology and play with Shakespeare’s supposedly difficult iambic pentameter like a pro. (All genders of Hamlet welcome.)

Taught by Shakespeare nerds Hannah Coyle and Hope Newhouse

Cet événement est proposé par l'organisation : Les Petites Planètes

Tags : Sciences et Technologie


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Ces prix incluent les frais de services appliqués par les distributeurs.

Dès 75 €

Dès 75 €

Horaires disponibles

09:00- 13:00

Dès 75 €

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