Star City, Bathing Suits, Wing!, Nexus_0
Star City, Bathing Suits, Wing!, Nexus_0
Star City, Bathing Suits, Wing!, Nexus_0

Star City, Bathing Suits, Wing!, Nexus_0

Windmill Brixton
Sat, Mar 8 from 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM


STAR CITY - https://www.instagram.com/star_city_band/

First proper headline show for the people's band formerly known as Pyongyang, fresh off some tour dates with Fat Dog.

BATHING SUITS https://www.instagram.com/bathingsuitsband/

"Leeds' industrial dance band (akin to a Gen Z Throbbing Gristle)" - Pindrop zine

WING! https://www.instagram.com/wingroulette/

Gathering momentum with every show, this synth, bass and drums trio provide ambient vibes with a punch

NEXUS\_0 https://www.instagram.com/nexus_0__/ - future facing punk

Plus a late set from from DJ SKINNY PENIS (aka Chris from Fat Dog)

Presented by Windmill Brixton.

This is an 18+ event


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Star CityBathing SuitsWING!Nexus_0


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